The Honest to Goodness truth

I wish I had more time to blog during the day so I could write blogs when I'm feeling really crappy - seems more honest than the "everything's pretty ok" blogs that I usually post. And the reason I write that is because I generally blog at night when supper is done, the kitchen is clean, kids are in bed and the house is quiet. Truly everything is ok by that time of day.

The daytime however is a different matter. Like these past couple days...

But (looking at the cup 1/2 full) during these blah mid March days the sun is shining later in the day and it's still light out when we eat supper, if I manage to get it on the table.

Really wishing I could visit August for a day or two, but I'd probably want to stay. Just the thought of dirt between my toes makes me melancholy.

To give you an idea of the snow we still have:

March 13 2006
March 13 2006
March 18 2008
March 18 2008

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« Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
Wordless Wednesday »
  • melanie

    melanie on March 19, 2008, 4:57 p.m.

    Renee: I love how honest you are in what you write. I think many people are too afraid to admit the very same feelings and thoughts you have. It's when you share that I realize, "hey, I guess I am not the only one that feels that way or thinks that, etc...." and suddenly one realizes that it's part of being human and experiencing day to day life. Keep sharing your honest expressions.


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